Gastrointestinal Surgical Techniques in Small Animals offers a highly detailed reference to surgical procedures in the gastrointestinal tract in dogs and cats. Each chapter describes the surgical techniques in depth, featuring high-quality illustrations depicting each step, and discusses tips and tricks for a successful surgery and potential complications. A companion website offers video clips demonstrating the procedures.
Logically divided into sections by anatomy, each chapter covers indications, contraindications, and decision making for a specific surgery. Tips and tricks and potential complications are also covered.
- Describes techniques for canine and feline gastrointestinal surgery in detail
- Presents the state of the art for GI surgery in dogs and cats
- Includes access to a companion website with video clips demonstrating techniques
Gastrointestinal Surgical Techniques in Small Animals is an essential resource for small animal surgeons and veterinary residents.
Table of contents
List of Contributors ix
Preface xi
About the Companion Website xiii
Section I General Concepts 1
1 Gastrointestinal Healing 3
Eric Monnet and Daniel D. Smeak
2 Suture Materials, Staplers, and Tissue Apposition Devices 9
Daniel D. Smeak
3 Suture Patterns for Gastrointestinal Surgery 23
Daniel D. Smeak
4 Feeding Tubes 29
Eric Monnet
5 Drainage Techniques for the Peritoneal Space 43
Eric Monnet
Section II Oral Cavity 49
6 Maxillectomy and Mandibulectomy 51
Bernard Séguin
7 Glossectomy 65
Eric Monnet and Bernard Séguin
8 Tonsillectomy 69
Eric Monnet and Bernard Séguin
9 Palatal and Oronasal Defects 71
Chad Lothamer and Jennifer Rawlinson
10 Salivary Gland Surgery 85
Daniel D. Smeak
Section III Esophagus 95
11 Esophagotomy 97
Eric Monnet
12 Esophagectomy and Reconstruction 105
Eric Monnet
13 Cricopharyngeal Myotomy and Heller Myotomy 111
Eric Monnet
14 Vascular Ring Anomaly 117
Eric Monnet
15 Hiatal Hernia 123
Eric Monnet
Section IV Stomach 129
16 Anatomy and Physiology of the Stomach 131
Eric Monnet
17 Gastrotomy 135
Eric Monnet
18 Gastrectomy 137
Eric Monnet
19 Billroth I 143
Eric Monnet
20 Billroth II 147
Eric Monnet
21 Pyloroplasty 155
Eric Monnet
22 Roux-en-Y 159
Eric Monnet
23 Gastropexy 165
Daniel D. Smeak
Section V Intestine 179
24 Enterotomy 181
Daniel D. Smeak
25 Enterectomy 187
Daniel D. Smeak and Eric Monnet
26 Enteroplication/Enteropexy for Prevention of Intussusception 203
Daniel D. Smeak
Section VI Colon 207
27 Colectomy and Subtotal Colectomy 209
Daniel D. Smeak and Eric Monnet
28 Colotomy 219
Daniel D. Smeak
29 Typhlectomy and Ileocecocolic Resection 221
Daniel D. Smeak
30 Colostomy and Jejunostomy 225
Daniel D. Smeak
31 Colopexy 231
Daniel D. Smeak
Section VII Rectum and Anal Sac 235
32 Approaches to the Rectum and Pelvic Canal 237
Daniel D. Smeak
33 Surgery of the Rectum 245
Daniel D. Smeak
34 Anal Sac Resection 257
Daniel D. Smeak
Section VIII Liver and Gall Bladder 263
35 Liver Lobectomy 265
Eric Monnet
36 Surgery of the Gallbladder 273
Eric Monnet
37 Biliary Diversion 279
Eric Monnet
38 Surgery of the Bile Duct 287
Eric Monnet
39 Biliary Stenting 293
Eric Monnet
40 Arterio-Venous Fistula 297
Eric Monnet
41 Portosystemic Shunt 301
Eric Monnet
Section IX Pancreas 317
42 Surgery of the Pancreas 319
Daniel D. Smeak and Eric Monnet
Index 325