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Those who strive to achieve success in the field of restorative dentistry need to have an understanding of dental anatomy and need to internalize it so that this knowledge can help to shape their dental restorations.

This lavishly presented atlas of anatomy is the ideal starting point: in the form of a tabletop workbook, this volume offers a detailed insight into the basic anatomic shapes of the teeth, their specific characteristics, line angles, cusp positions, occlusal contacts, age-specific characteristics, and much more.

This didactically valuable workbook supports and inspires dentist and dental technician in their quest to consciously replicate the individual shapes of the natural tooth.

Table of Contents:

  • Minimun wear
  • Anatomic equator
  • More angular
  • Incisal adges flat to concave
  • Areas
  • Axis of the Crown
  • Axis of the Root
  • Comparison of the Marginal Ridges
  • Convez, Irregular Tracing
  • Buccal Curvatures
  • Mesially Curved more strongly than distally
  • Transverse Curvature
  • Vestibular curvature
  • Age stages of the tooth
  • Basic Moulds of teeth
  • Distal Concav
  • Mesial Convex
  • Middle-aged Type
  • High Gloss
  • Minium gloss
  • Young type
  • Oval
  • Flatter
  • Position of the marginal Ridges and cusps
  • Position of the marginal ridges compared to the anatomic equator
  • Position of the cusps compared to the anatomic equator
  • Position of the cusps
  • Angle characteristic
  • Curvature characteristic
  • Occlusal centric points
  • Contact points
  • Rectangular
  • Rounded
  • Often strong abrasion facets
  • Incisal Interdental Separation
  • Surface more glossy
  • Surface smooth
  • Surface with well-marked texture
  • Torsion
  • Hardly any texture
  • Tracing of Incisal Edge
  • Triangula
  • Older Type


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