Easy-to-follow step-by-step techniques for common clinical procedures in pet birds, focusing on common psittacine and passerine species
Manual of Clinical Procedures in Pet Birds provides easy-to-follow descriptions of a wide range of clinical techniques with step-by-step instructions for performing procedures in birds in the veterinary clinic, ranging from common techniques for surgery preparation and recovery, cardiology, anesthesia, imaging, sedation, and euthanasia. Each chapter includes a description of the procedure and the equipment needed, stepwise techniques, cautions and precautions, and references. Useful rationale/amplification sections answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions and provide information about some of the more common problems associated with the procedure.
High-quality color photographs illustrate the techniques, showing how to physically manage the bird, the equipment needed, and the steps of the procedure. An accompanying companion website has videos showing some of the procedures.
Manual of Clinical Procedures in Pet Birds includes information on:
- Physical restraint via towels and restraint straps, as well as jugular, wing, leg, and toenail blood collection
- IM, SC, IO, IN, and IV injection techniques, feather examination for structures, parasites, microbiology and cytology
- Oral medicating as well as gavage feeding techniques
- Techniques for ophthalmic examination, tear secretion testing, corneal and conjunctival diagnostic testing, ocular pressure measurements, and topical medication administration
- Grooming of the nails and wings
- Preparations for surgery including patient preparation, monitoring equipment, and post-surgery and recovery procedures
- Emergency procedures including hemostasis
With a practical format and wide coverage, Manual of Clinical Procedures in Pet Birds is an essential reference for any veterinarian, nurse, veterinary student, or technician treating avian patients, regardless of experience level.
Table of Contents
Foreword xvii
Preface xviii
Acknowledgments xx
About the Companion Website xxi
1 Manual Restraint of the Avian Patient 1
2 Blood Collection 15
3 Injection Techniques 22
4 Oral Administration of Medications 30
5 Dermatologic Procedures 33
6 Ophthalmic Procedures 46
7 Sinus Flushing and Nasal Concretion Removal 60
8 Grooming Procedures 65
9 Cloacal Procedures 77
10 Surgery Preparations 80
11 Intubation 86
12 Gavage and Lavage 90
13 Coelomocentesis 95
14 Nebulization 98
15 Egg Retention Procedures 101
16 Cardiac Procedures 107
17 Hemostasis 119
18 Transfusions 127
19 Air Sac Cannulation and Oxygen Supplementation 129
20 CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) 132
21 Fluid Therapy 140
22 Positioning for Imaging 148
23 Euthanasia Techniques 156
24 Analgesia, Sedation, and Anesthesia: Medications and Procedures 161
Appendix A References and Resources 171
Appendix B Abbreviations 173
Appendix C Common Pet and Aviary Birds 175
Index 178